Get a slim and toned abdomen without exercises and dieting by Abdominoplasty

The shape of the abdomen plays defines the look of a person and overall appearance. Even after continuous exercising and dieting for weight loss, many people struggle to eliminate excess fat and loose skin in the belly area. Sometimes women can’t get their pre-pregnancy abdominal contour back after delivering child.

Are you struggling with big belly, stretch marks, and loose skin after your pregnancy?

Are you always looking for clothes that hide your belly?

Do you experience body pain due to your pendulous abdomen?

Is your big belly affecting your confidence and social life?

If you answered yes we can help you achieve a contoured and flat abdomen with the abdominoplasty.
Discuss with our liposuction surgeon – Dr. Manish Patel about the surgery and get your desired look.

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What is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. Initially, the liposuction of the tummy and the sides and the lower back, sometimes liposuction of the lower “bra folds” is performed.
Then, an incision is made in the lower abdomen like a Caesarean incision but more extended to lift the skin. The weak abdominal muscles below the abdomen are repaired for the sagging and the excess skin is pulled downwards and excised later the incisions are closed with sutures after repositioning the belly button. The patient is placed with drain insertion under the skin for about 3-4 days.

Our Results

Note* : Scroll the bar to see before after results

Case 1
Case 2