Get rid of those unwanted areas of fat with liposuction

A good-looking appearance and healthy body can work as a booster for a person’s self-confidence. However, it is not easy to achieve such body and we often find people struggling with fat reduction even after following strict diets and heavy exercise.

Are you struggling to eliminate some stubborn fat?

Are you tired of following diet and exercising but not able achieve desired results?

Are you not satisfied with the way your body look?

Do you find it hard to wear trendy clothes and can’t find clothes that fit you well?

If any of the above is your concern, then liposuction at Patel cosmetic surgery centre in goa is your answer.
Discuss with our liposuction surgeon – Dr. Manish Patel about the surgery and get your desired look.

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What is Liposuction?

Liposuction surgery is a Cosmetic Procedure to eliminate unwanted body fat. It is a multi-step procedure that is performed under local or general anaesthesia. During the liposuction procedure, our cosmetic surgeon will make a small incision in the treatment area and a thin cannula tube will be inserted through it and the fat is removed out of the tube by creating a vacuum. Once our surgeon reaches the desired result the incision will closed. The incisions will be than covered with dressing and sometimes a drain might be required to remove the excess fluids. Once the incisions are healed, patient will be able to see the new contours and the results of Liposuction surgeries are long lasting.

Our Results

Note* : Scroll the bar to see before after results

Case 1
Case 2